with Tina Teucher from Gen R (Generation Restoration)
Regenerative solutions like permaculture, ecosystem restoration and agroforestry have a great potential to improve the livelihoods of millions of people worldwide. Displaced people like refugees can benefit from these regenerative practices, which contribute to most of the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) simultaneously, for example by reducing hunger and poverty, empowering women and youth with high quality education, strengthening biodiversity, storing carbon in the soil and thus protecting the climate and many more. In this Falafel pitch, we learn from positive examples of knowledge & experience that already exist, understand the obstacles that hinder these solutions to be widespread yet and discuss ways to get active. Together we can strengthen the root system of a resilient society. We are the Generation Restoration. This Falafel Pitch will be held in English.
Anmeldung & Organisatorisches:
Für Member und nicht-Member. Der Pitch findet vor Ort bei uns im Impact Hub statt.
Kosten: 7 € für das Falafel-Sandwich
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