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Skillshare: Beautiful Boundaries – a somatic Online Lab, 16.05, 14:00 - 14:45 Uhr

Mindful Moment: Join the 45min 'Beautiful Boundaries' Online Lab, with IHBerlin member & Somatic (Self-)Leadership Coach Eva Bakardjiev.

It is for all caring change-makers who wish to stop overextending, learn to be more assertive and kind vs. people pleasing and to better feel, communicate and hold their 'No,' to empower their regenerative impact AND wellbeing.

This free event is for all caring change-makers who struggle with setting boundaries and overextending and wish to improve their assertiveness, empower their 'No' and aid their impact and well-being.

It's also a prototyping session for an upcoming extended workshop, and I'd greatly appreciate your participation and feedback.

Sign up HERE

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