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A practitioner’s insights to handling grievances, 22.03, 18:00 - 19:00 Uhr

With the spreading of mandatory human rights due diligence, companies see themselves increasingly challenged to establish or adapt grievance mechanisms (GM) for human rights adverse impacts along their supply chains. In this scenario, adopting electronic-based channels - online or not – has become a favored approach, as it allows for 24h accessibility and facilitated translation, among other benefits. Simultaneously, this path can add challenges from a rightsholder-centered perspective, as access to and trust in technology varies greatly in the different territories where suppliers are located. Considering these challenges, what are strategies forward for companies in effective grievances management? How can the relationship between possibly affected persons and technology be an asset for both companies and rightsholders? Building on her professional experience as a complaints handler in Brazil, Mariana will share insights on grievance management, accessibility, and technology.

THE SPEAKER Mariana is a lawyer specialized in human rights and alternative dispute resolution. She is currently working with Löning – Human Rights & Responsible Business under the German Chancellor Fellowship, funded by the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung. She focuses on the establishment and improvement of grievance mechanisms for human rights adverse impacts along value chains, building on her experience working as an alternative dispute resolution professional in a company-based remediation program with international repercussions.

THE ORGANIZERS atlat offers companies a digital complaint system to ensure workers' rights at their suppliers and comply with the LkSG.

FOR WHOM? Anyone interested in human rights law, grievance handling, complaints mechanisms, or supply chain due diligence - No prior knowledge is required.

WHERE? Online (Zoom, Register on Eventbrite)

INFO The webinar will be held in English. Participation is free.

Please register here

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