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Falafel Pitch: oikos, 10.08, 12:30 - 13:30 Uhr

oikos is an international student network with active hubs (our so-called chapters) all around the world.Founded as the non-profit umbrella organization of the network, oikos International’s activities are connected to one question: How do we wanna live, lead & learn together for a thriving future? The 3 verbs, living, learning & leading stand for what oikos wants to contribute to our world. Leading, for equipping the next generation of leaders with the capacities & competencies they need to navigate our complex world. Learning, for our aspiration of moving higher education institutions towards a more learner-driven, regenerative approach to education, one school at a time. Living, for weaving a global support network of change makers who are co-creating a thriving future for all.Curious to learn more about oikos, our projects, aspirations and current challenges? Join the Falafel Pitch on August 10!

Anmeldung & Organisatorisches:

Für Member und nicht-Member. Der Pitch findet vor Ort bei uns im Impact Hub statt.

Kosten: 7,50 € für das Falafel-Sandwich

Zur Veranstaltungsreihe

Beim Falafel Pitch stellt ein Member in der Mittagspause das eigene Projekt oder Unternehmen vor und bekommt wertvolles Feedback aus der Community. Dazu gibt’s leckere Falafelsandwiches von Beirut Beirut!

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