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Purpose Talk: Open Q&A, 28.08, 8:00 - 17:00 Uhr

Do you have questions about steward-ownership or just want to chat with us directly? Whether you’re an entrepreneur, investor, or just curious about alternative ownership and financing structures, we warmly invite you to join our bi-weekly open Q&A. This is an interactive session where you can ask your questions, listen to others’, and engage in an open conversation to gain a deeper understanding of steward-ownership and our work.

Just a heads-up: These aren’t webinars with presentations from us. So come prepared with your questions!

We look forward to connecting with you and addressing any questions you may have.

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Veranstaltungen von der Community für die Community. Hier findest du Workshops, Meet-ups und weitere Veranstaltungen von der Impact Hub Community und dem Münchner Ökosystem.

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