SONRIZA: Slow Fashion, Premium Chocolate, and Menstrual Health
Meet SONRIZA, an ethical brand from Munich, Germany, with roots in South America championing slow fashion and Ecuadorian gourmet products across Germany and Europe. We collaborate with Ecuadorian artisans and farmers, promoting traditional crafts and premium cocoa derivatives. Our mission extends to empowering these producers by providing employment opportunities and international exposure. Beyond commerce, we're committed to societal upliftment; each purchase funds menstrual health workshops and donates menstrual items for low-income women. We look forward to seeing there and hearing your feedback and suggestions on how we can improve SONRIZA
Anmeldung & Organisatorisches:
Für Member und nicht-Member. Der Pitch findet vor Ort bei uns im Impact Hub statt.
Kosten: 7,50 € für das Falafel-Sandwich
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