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Falafel Pitch: SINE Think and Do Tank, 15.06, 12:30 - 13:30 Uhr

The SINE Foundation is a think and do tank founded by academic experts and progressive entrepreneurs. SINE designs and implements the foundation for lasting data collaboration — delivered as ready-to-use governance tools and open-source software.

The neutral non-profit foundation supports global organizations to identify, initiate and maintain use cases for data collaboration within complex multi-stakeholder environments (e.g., in the Partnership for Carbon Transparency).

For more information, see this video, our homepage, or our latest publication on Data Commons.</>

Anmeldung & Organisatorisches:

Für Member und nicht-Member. Der Pitch findet vor Ort bei uns im Impact Hub statt.

Kosten: 7 € für das Falafel-Sandwich

Zur Veranstaltungsreihe

Beim Falafel Pitch stellt ein Member in der Mittagspause das eigene Projekt oder Unternehmen vor und bekommt wertvolles Feedback aus der Community. Dazu gibt’s leckere Falafelsandwiches von Beirut Beirut!

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